Dissemination of DIGI Journey project results
Digi Journey
The digital transformation of EU business and society presents enormous growth potential for Europe. It is estimated that digital technologies, such as Big Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence or the Internet of Things, have the potential to add 1.5 million jobs to the EU’s digital economy, and that SMEs can grow two to three times faster when they integrate digital technologies into their business models. Nevertheless, on the one hand, SMEs are not currently taking full advantage of these advanced technologies because they usually lack orientation, know-how and hands-on solutions in line with their current business, and on the other hand, digitalisation services in too many occasions do not take into account the rapid changing innovation ecosystem and the emerging of new technologies.
The objective of DigiJourney is to enable the participating innovation agencies to exchange knowledge, know-how, and good practices on advanced methodologies and tools for digitalisation assessment to SMEs and customised support services. In particular, based on the Twinning+ methodology, the project aims to cover peer learning activities for three digitalisation approaches and the design of a digitalisation journey for SMEs, which will facilitate all innovation agencies to improve their digitalisation support services adapted to their specific national/regional contexts, and will allow SMEs to get the right digital tools to gain competitiveness. This peer-learning and peer-review scheme has been developed based on each partner’s identified competences in advanced digitalisation services for SMEs.
DigiJourney will therefore contribute to the specific challenge of increasing SMEs support programmes and the satisfaction of them with the support provided, through a joint learning effort of the three participating partners and the elaboration of a suitable Design Options Paper that will be shared with other EU innovation agencies and networks, and with national and EU policy-makers.
DigiJourney Project Kick-off-Meeting
During the Kick-off-Meeting of the project, which was held on November 12 in the Science and Technology Park of Extremadura, the first peer learning was carried out on the DigitaliseSME project tool in which FUNDECYT-PCTEX participates. The DigiJourney project is led by Fundecyt-Pctex and the partners in the project are:
- the Luxinnovation consortium, the Luxembourg innovation agency that offers a broad portfolio of services to companies and public research organizations to foster innovation, thus supporting the economic development objectives of the Government;
- IPA-SA, a Romanian company specialized in automation projects design; IPA SA offers R&D services, design, production, installation, service and consulting for equipment and plant automation, and information technology (IT) for industries (chemical, petrochemical, energy , building materials, metallurgy, machine building, etc.)
Durante el Kick-off-Meeting del proyecto, que se celebró el 12 de noviembre en el Parque Científico y Tecnológico de Extremadura, se ha llevado a cabo el primer peer learning sobre la herramienta del proyecto DigitaliseSME (www.digitalisesme.eu) en el que FUNDECYT-PCTEX participa como socio.
El proyecto DigiJourney está liderado por Fundecyt-Pctex, y también forman parte del consorcio Luxinnovation, agencia de innovación de Luxemburgo que ofrece una amplia cartera de servicios a empresas y organizaciones públicas de investigación para fomentar la innovación, apoyando así los objetivos de desarrollo económico del Gobierno; y IPA-SA, agencia rumana especializada en automatización del diseño, IPA SA ofrece I&D, diseño, producción, instalación, servicio y consultoría para equipos y automatización de plantas, y tecnología de la información (IT) para industrias (química, petroquímica, energía, materiales de construcción, metalurgia, construcción de máquinas, etc.)
- FUNDECYT PCTEX SPAIN: dr. Maria Garcia Rosa-DigiJourney Project Manager
- IPA SA ROMANIA : dr. Gabriel Spiridon-Romanian coordinator for DigiJourney